FREE Breast Implant Course

Research on Breast Implants

Restore the natural beauty

Education and Functional Medicine is our Goal

We are working on providing you with the best resources and research on
Breast Implants and Breast Implant Illness.

We are grateful to so many wonderful people who are dedicating their time and efforts to changing medical policy, medical coding, practitioner training, and Breast Implant Illness protocols.

Research is our Goal

There is much needed research for Breast Implant Illness. Women suffer from a vast amount of unexplained symptoms because of the lack of peer-reviewed studies. Having research in the field of epigenetics, pathology and immunology, microbiology, silicone removal, and Breast Implant Associated Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), will change the lives of many forgotten women. Please support us….you can make all the difference.